Prenatal massage

Benefits :
Reduces stress, encourage healthful sleep and promote relaxation
Provide emotional support and physical nurturing
Reduces or alleviates neck, back and joint pain caused by posture,muscles weakness, tension, extra weight or imbalance
Relieves muscle spasms, cramps and fibrosis
Increase blood and lymph circulation which minimizes the edema, varicose veins and leg cramps common with pregnancy and exacerbated in many high-risk pregnancies
Encourage deeper and easier breathing - especially important for woman with asthma or lung problems

Caution & Contraindication !!!
Side lying position is often advised
Deep pressure or friction should be avoided on the legs because blood clots are more likely to develop as hormonal changes
Abdominal massage should be completely avoided in the first trimester
Acupressure points are contraindicated. It can cause miscarriages
Massage should be avoided in the third trimester for clients with a heart condition
Avoids applying aroma essential oil on pregnant client